
Topher Grace - filmography

31 January 2025

Flight Risk
Directed by: Mel Gibson
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, Topher Grace
Category: thriller

Czy pilot MARK WAHLBERG i jego pasażerowie mogli sobie wymarzyć lepszy dzień na śmierć?

Trzymający w nieustającym napięciu thriller, który złapie za gardło nie tylko widzów z lękiem... more

12 April 2019

Directed by: Roxann Dawson
Cast: Chrissy Metz, Topher Grace, Mike Colter
Category: biography / drama

Incredible but true story of motherly love that overcame unimaginable obstacles. When John Joyce's adopted son, John, falls into the icy water of a frozen lake in Missouri, everything seems lost. John is... more

21 September 2018

Under the Silver Lake
Directed by: David Robert Mitchell
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, Topher Grace
Category: comedy / crime / drama / mystery / thriller

David Robert Mitchell, the creator of the horror film "Something for me walks", returns a full of black humor, a crime story referring to the classic films noir. Starring Andrew Garfield ("The Amazing... more

14 September 2018

Directed by: Spike Lee
Cast: John David Washington, Adam Driver, Topher Grace
Category: biography / comedy / crime / drama

The Black Brotherhood BlacKkKlansman is a true story directed by the outstanding filmmaker Spike Lee. It's the beginning of the seventies, and Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) is the first black... more

22 June 2018

Directed by: Dennis Iliadis
Cast: Topher Grace, Genesis Rodriguez, Patricia Clarkson
Category: horror / thriller

Tom has been suffering from mysterious mental disorders for a long time. After a long and, as it seems effective therapy, leaves the walls of the psychiatric hospital. It is something like a conditional... more

16 July 2010

Directed by: Nimrod Antal
Cast: Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Danny Trejo

Najemnicy, gangsterzy jakuzy, skazańcy, żołnierze szwadronów śmierci. Oto najniebezpieczniejsi zabójcy na naszej planecie. Ale to nie jest nasza planeta…
…to planeta, gdzie muszą stawić czoła... more

12 February 2010

Valentine's Day
Directed by: Garry Marshall
Cast: Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patric Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah, Taylor Lautner, George Lopez, Shirley MacLaine, Emma Robert

Jeśli jest się szczęśliwie zakochanym, walentynki to dzień pełen czerwonych serduszek i kwiatów, romantycznych gestów i uczuć. Ale jeżeli życie uczuciowe nie układa się najlepiej, walentynki to dzień jak... more

31 March 2005

In Good Company
Directed by: Paul Weitz
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, Marg Helgenberger

Dan Foreman (DENNIS QUAID) skończył 51 lat i raczej nie ma powodów do narzekania. Od dawna kieruje biurem reklamy w tygodniku Sports America, który ostatnio bije rekordy sprzedaży. Pismo zawdzięcza swój... more