

Directed by: Fenar Ahmad

Cinema program "Valhalla" in Gliwice

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Movie poster Valhalla
Original title: Valhalla
Runtime: 105 min.
Production: Dania/Norwegia/Szwecja/Islandia , 2019
Release Date: 17 July 2020
Distribution: Vivarto

Directed by: Fenar Ahmad
Cast: Roland Moller, Salome Gunnarsdóttir, Andreas Jessen

Roskva and Tjalfe are young siblings helping their parents on the farm. When one day the god Thor appears in their household, everything changes. Tjalfe will be forced to serve Thor and set off on a dangerous journey, and his sister who does not step away will follow them. Together, they will have to go to Valhalla and defeat Fenris, a wolf-faced monster, and face the terrifying giants.

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Movie trailer: Valhalla

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