Cinema program "Kebab i Horoskop" in Gliwice
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"Kebab i Horoskop"
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Runtime: 72 min.
Production: Polska , 2014
Category: drama / comedy
Release Date: 13 February 2015
Distribution: Alter Ego Pictures
Directed by: Grzegorz Jaroszuk
Cast: Bartłomiej Topa, Piotr Żurawski, Justyna Wasilewska
"Kebab and Horoscope" is a comedy of the absurd. The film tells the story of workers bankrupt carpet store. One day, at the invitation of the Chief (A. Zielinski) appears in the shop two "marketing experts" about the mysterious przydomkach Kebab (Bartlomiej Topa) and Horoscope (Piotr Zurawski). This store personnel colorful characters, but at the same time quite indifferent to external stimuli - the shop usually no one comes ... spec marketers may change the atmosphere ... all give up their
... more bizarre ideas from ordinary neutralization precipitate; timid intern (Justyna Wasilewska) separating the apartment with a neurotic mother (Dorothy Kolak), seeking love on the internet cashier (Barbara Kurzaj), snappy cleaner Kortazar (Janusz Michalowski) and Old Fan (Tomasz Schuchardt) "take matters into their own hands," which storm the microcosms and leads to a series of funny and surprising situations. Ready for anything false marketing specialists will find that life can be as complicated as a pattern on the Persian carpet.
"Kebab and Horoscope" is a film about those commonly refer to as losers, losers in life's awkward. Are you sure? Sense of humor and empathy with which the characters are shown doing the movie special: sweet and sour, current. Narration from a distance can observe the world created by Jaroszuk as if "by the glass". Ready to actions of the characters, the need to take control of their own destiny in combination with a complete lack of efficacy, are a source of absurd humor that makes the film's most interesting comedy from the "pure non-sense" in recent years. A thought of giving stand up in the phrase, "it makes no sense to fight the loneliness" that accompanies the heroes, comic takes on color.

Movie trailer: Kebab i Horoskop
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