Cinema program "Dracula Untold" in Gliwice
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"Dracula Untold"
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Runtime: 92 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: action / drama / fantasy
Release Date: 17 October 2014
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Gary Shore
Cast: Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon
About the time when the character of Dracula was first charmed audiences for almost 100 years passed, and the studio, which has introduced the genre to the big screen once again revives the immortal legend. In the film Dracula history unknown, LUKE EVANS (The Fast and the Furious 6, The Hobbit) with a man whose history has known under the name Vlad the Impaler, is transformed into endowed with mighty power, the immortal Dracula.
The year is 1,462th Transylvania enjoys a long period of peace under the rule of a just and battle-tested ruler Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia and his beloved, brave Mirena wife (Sarah Gadon - The Amazing Spider Man2). Together, they provide peace and protect subordinates against the powerful Ottoman Empire.
However, when Sultan Mehmed II (DOMINIC COOPER - Captain America: The First Avenger) requests that the 1000 Wallachian boys - including the son of Vlad, Ingerasa (ART PARKINSON - Game of Thrones) - deprived parents and forced to serve in his army, Vlad must make a decision: do what his father and his son Sultan give or ask for help from a monster and sacrifice his own soul.
Vlad goes on a journey to the Mount of Broken Fang, where he meets the demon (CHARLES DANCE - Game of Thrones) and contains a Faustian arrangement - will be endowed with a force of 100 men, the speed and power of the falling star able to crush your enemies, but in exchange it will be an irresistible desire drinking human blood. If within three days you will be able to resist it, will return to the old form, if not, to the end of his days left in the dark by feeding on the blood and destroying everything that is dear to him.

Movie trailer: Dracula Untold
Your comments
Film całkiem OK. Na pewno lepszy niż się spodziewałam, szłam z nastawieniem na "kolejny film o wampirach albo zombie", na szczęście nie:). Dobry pomysł na scenariusz. Warto dodać, że można tu oglądnąć naszego Jakuba Gierszała (Sala Samobójców, Yuma, Wszystko, co kocham) w nie epizodycznej roli:)
Potwierdzam że warto. Film jest spoko. Oczywiście ma kilka minusów [mędzy innymi brak ciemno-mrocznego napięcia] ale jest duża frajda zawiesić oko na widokach w stylu władcy pierścieni i na pojedynkach :)
A mi się właśnie bardzo podobał. NOWE OBLICZE KSIĘCIA CIEMNOŚCI - dobra gra aktorska i dobre efekty specjalne. W końcu coś innego niż stary dracula wyskakujący z trumny w swojej wykrochmalonej pelerynie z zębami jak młody nietoperz gacek. Na ten film warto wybrac się do kina ja byłem i nie żałuję.
Jedna wielka kiszka.
Do oglądnięcia. 5-6/10. Trochę za krótki. Można z tego było zrobić 2 dłuższe części