

Directed by: David Yarovesky

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Movie poster Brightburn: Syn ciemności
Original title: Brightburn
Runtime: 90 min.
Production: USA , 2019
Category: drama / horror / sci-fi / thriller
Release Date: 24 May 2019
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: David Yarovesky
Cast: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Meredith Hagner

What would happen if a child from another dimension came to Earth, but instead of becoming a hero among people, he was an ominous son of darkness ...

James Gunn, the visionary creator of "Galactic Guards" and "Robal", presents a perverse, surprising new movie genre - a superhero horror movie.

Average rate: 9.0
rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0 rating 9.0
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