Cinema program "Mortdecai" in Gliwice
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Runtime: 105 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: action / comedy
Release Date: 23 January 2015
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: David Koepp
Cast: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Goldblum, Olivia Munn
Mortdecai (Johnny Depp) is a jaded aristocrat living with art trade. Among the fairer sex is known for its charm and the most compelling mustache in the British Isles. One day he gets on the trail of the lost image of Goya containing guidelines to take sizable bank account full of stolen gold. Mortdecai with his usual grace and nonchalance footsteps moving image while flirting with almost any beauty encountered. Appetite for treasure, however, also has a Russian oligarch, an American billionaire and a mysterious terrorist. Mortdecaia biggest rival, however, proves to be his former colleague and now Alistair Martland intelligence agent (Ewan McGregor), who has Chrapek not only the image of Goa, but also on the comely wife Charlie - Johanna (Gwyneth Paltrow).

Movie trailer: Mortdecai
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Niestety tak. Szkoda czasu.
Jeśli ktoś lubi J. Depp to da się obejrzeć. Film lekki, ale nie porywa, komedia, ale najwyżej wywołująca uśmiech, a nie salwy śmiechu.
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